Thursday, November 24, 2011

Es Teler 77 Juara Indonesia, Central Market

I noticed Es Teler 77 when I was over at Central Market a couple of months back. Though I kept reminding myself to try in soon, I never had the time, and when I did, none of my friends were keen to try.
And finally recently, the stars aligned and I went! :p
Unlike the usual Penyet restaurants, Es Teler 77 actually serves non-penyet meals..similar to Bumbu Desa, but in a fast food setting..
With surprisingly rather large selection of food- we only managed to order 2 mains, since the portion does seem huge.
Some Jus Apukat(RM7.80) to quench my thirst..
Different from what I expected- this blended avocado juice was laced with gula melaka, instead of chocolate. I'm fine with that combo if they didnt add in coconut milk/ cream too. The strong coconut flavour totally enveloped avocado's light taste and texture. It felt like I was slurping creamy, blended cendol..
Paket Ikan Goreng (RM11.90 or RM12.90..cant recall :p)...
The 'paket', if you're wondering, refers to the rice- akin to nasi lemak, with tiny fried anchovies premixed into it. The fish was slightly overfried- the meat was a tad dry. The good thing was, the dish was freshly cooked- we could hear them deep frying the fish..hahaha. The sambal was mild and the kicap was plain. A waste.
The Nasi Jelimet..

A generous amount of rice served with barbequed chicken, sweetish gulai and an extremely thin omelette. The gulai was too sweet and santan-y, and the chicken was dry at some parts (some section was ok). 
Overall experience was just average, no wow factor. Am not in a rush to return to try other stuff on the menu...

Es Teler 77 Juara Indonesia is located at Kasturi Walk, Pasar Seni, KL.

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Blogger choi yen said...

The avocado juice look so pale or the one I normally see was with colouring added?

28 November, 2011  
Anonymous Tracy Rental said...

Mmm, it looks so delicious! I envy your meal and if you are determined to go back, that means this place is really worth going!

30 November, 2011  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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15 February, 2022  
Anonymous Bailey said...

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15 July, 2024  

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